
Reach, stretch through the layers of silicon, copper, titanium, crystal. Bore into the elements that have set a distance and establish new paths through the ancient walls separating us.

We are social animals, determined to engage in fluid and meaningful ways. Our lives are ever-changing, so fast the system doesn’t even recognize it before we’re on to the next thing. It’s not a race, this is a dance, we move in step around one another around a world moving around.

To make something that dances with the world, begin with the steps. Move with the people and walk out into the turbulent, beautiful exchange. The world is new and listening.

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Downtown Athletics

This web-based ad for an up-and-coming fitness facility in downtown Brooksville takes full advantage of the mockumentary format. It playfully pokes fun at an actual incident that took place surrounding a small town, and the time they accidentally sold their water tower while also acting as an advertisement for the…

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